Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Rights Watch Australia

Question: Describe about the Human Rights Watch for Australia? Answer: Introduction: Good governance is a necessary element of durable development It is trivial. In east and Southeast Asia, the newly industrialized economy is the main stick of the increasing social advancement and the recent growth of economy. Also It has altered hypothesises and designed outlooks on the economics of development with approximately giving eminence being given to the East Asian values and development-oriented authority or a development State as a optimistic force for growth of economy and social transformation. Human Rights is another burning issue now a days. The rights of human face serious violation because of the increasing power of executive authorities. Human rights are those rights which every human being is is born with (Sano, Alfredsson and Clapp, 2002). Because of different religion, age or other personal factors like colour of skin these rights cannot be denied. Sometime it seems that there are many contradictions between Good Governance and Human Rights, especially then the question of application is come. But in the book Human Rights and Good Governance edited by Hans-Otto Sano, an article Good Governance: How Does It Relate to Human Rights? the author shows that how they are related with each other, and sometime how they sometime cross their limit and harm each-other. But in the conclusion the author found that in practice actually the Good Governance strengthen human right. And also good human rights condition also helps to achieve the main goal of Good Governance that is Development The only democratic country in the world at the present is Australia no bill of national rights. Some wide-ranging form of lawful defence for mandatory rights is otherwise observed as an indispensable balance and check in autonomous domination throughout the world. Without a doubt, no illusion can be found of an autonomous nation that has been raised a lawful system or a new constitution in current years that has not in cooperated some human rights. Why Australia is then has become the exclusion? The response to this can be taken from the past. Even though we and many more have that perception that Australia is one of the youngest countries but in fact it is one of the ancient one in the whole world. The constitution of Australia is still totally as it was when authorised in 1901, the constitution of Australia while goes back to the era of 1850.the colonies of Australia, there legal system and the Australian constitution where envisioned at a time when with the well-known exceptions of bills of rights of 1791 of united states, through a solitary legal instrument were not protected (Chalmers, 2015). Without doubt, in United States there was no such command, on which the legal organisation is considerably based.aferthe 2nd world war and the declaration of universal human rights but till then the system of administration of Australia was in service for decades. Not only has legal system of Australia opposed change but is also old by world provision. This is yet more relevant today, with the last unbeaten vote to modify the Australian Constitution in 1977 when it was altered, in the middle of further things, to fix a retreat age for high court judges as 70 years. An additional eight unproductive schemes are given to the people since then. From the time of 1977 is now the longest period without any transformation in constitution of Australia. Other than this the following longest stage was from 1946 1967. An article by max chalmers has explained that for the 2nd year in the row, Australia has made a shame list of international human rights. We are not only coming last in the international human rights list but have been titled as the biggest human right abusers around the world. There are 5 areas because of which Australia has been most exposed. (NEWS 1 Feb 2015 Human Rights Watch 2015: The 5 Biggest Issues Facing Australia By Max Chalmers) 1) Asylum seekers Australias treatment towards asylum seekers have been overseen to new levels of brutality by the Abbott government. Their indefinite detention and poor and adverse security and not providing right to appeal has enhanced their sufferings. Even UN high commission has criticized Australias refugee policies (WORLD REPORT, 2015). 2) Disabilities rights As per the reports out of the whole Australia, its 45 percentage of population live below or nearly to the line of poverty and the inquiry of the human commission has in the top also found that there are no adequate safeguards and a very poor access for their support. Regardless of this, the role of disability discrimination commissioner was abolished shorty by the coalition government. And have also moved the people off the higher paying disability support pension. 3) Marriage equality This policy was long ago introduced by the Britain conservation party and was quite famous in Australia. In ACT, labour had introduced a law of same sex marriages only to have them turned by the high court and ACT law was passed.. Also despite David Camerons personal support, it was not embraced by the British conservative party- more tory MPs voted against equality than voted for it (Westerman, 2015). It was passed because the vast majority of UK labour MPs voted in favour. 4) The squeeze on free expression The report not only focused on the anti-terror laws newly made but has also criticized overly broad new offense of advocating terrorism and has also declared the restricted areas. Also the attention has been drawn to data retention laws which were pending and has also told the telecommunication industry to retain data for at least two years and give ASIO access. Excellent article by Max Chalmers. However there are some other major human rights abuses being committed by Lib-Lab Australia. (National Australia under the spotlight in Human Rights Watch World Report 2015) 1. The ongoing Australian aboriginal genocide and Australian aboriginal ethnocide. It is estimated that in 1788 there were 300 distinct aboriginal language groups and 750 dialects of which only 150 survive and all but 20 are endangered. On 26 January 1788 the British invasion of Australia was totally destroyed hitch included 600 Australian tribes which were unique and similar number of dialects and the languages. This made the aboriginal genocide of Australia the worst genocide in the history of human (, 2015). The avoidable annual rate of death from deprives is 0.4% pa. South Africa which is impoverished and the Australia being one of the richest country have same avoidable rate of death. Huge aboriginal avoidable mortality and retreat from education in first language means an ongoing Australian aboriginal genocide and Australian aboriginal ethnocide. 2. War criminal and serial invader Australia is now engaged in its Seventh Iraq War. Details: Australias First Iraq War (WW1, Australian Flying Corps (AFC; RAAF precursor), 1915); Australias Second Iraq War (WW2, RAN, Basra, in Anglo-Iraq War, 1941); Australias Third Iraq War (Sanctions against Iraq, RAN, 1990-2003, 1.7 million Iraqi deaths from deprivation); Australias Fourth Iraq War (Australian forces to Iraqi Kurdistan, 1991); Australias Fifth Iraq War (Gulf War, RAN, 1990-1991, 0.2 million Iraqis killed); Australias Sixth Iraq War (Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, 2003-2011, 1.5 million fierce deaths, 1.2 million people died from deprivations due the imposed war; Australias Pine Gap is key to targeting US drone strikes, 2008-); Australias Seventh Iraq War (RAAF bombing, Iraq, 2014- ). As a UK lackey or US lackey Australia has variously invaded 70 countries (as compared to its allies the British 193, France 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12). 3. 80,000 preventable Australian deaths annually. In the list of richest countries, Australia is one of them yet 80,000people of Australia died preventable deaths every year (see Gideon Polya, Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11, Conclusion: Let's not forget another abuse of human rights that is occurring across our country every day. That is the violation of our children's physical integrity by harm caused to them by physical punishment in both the home and in some schools. A right which is given to our children under the Convention on the Rights of the Child which Australia has signed and ratified and in this case deliberately ignored. There are now 44 countries that have made it unlawful in domestic settings. Our closest neighbour, New Zealand banned it in 2007 and it has not yet descended into chaos. Meanwhile in Australia, the deliberate infliction of pain is still used by Christian Schools in both WA and Old, albeit by a tiny fraction of those non-state schools. The point being, that this archaic practice is still legal. White Ribbon Australia, our Australian male-led anti-domestic violence organisation, published its first policy on the Corporal Punishment of Children, last year. It said in part: White Ribbon Australia is committed to preventing violence against women....corporal punishment is identified as both a form of violence and as a variable that may influence a childs later use of violence in adult life. For these reasons, White Ribbon does not condone the use of corporal punishment as a means of discipline. Finally, Rosie Batty, our 2015 Australian of the year has very recently stated that hitting children is wrong but then what does she know about family violence? The value of liberal political institutions is too deeply imbued in popular belief to make such an attempt doomed to failure. Indeed, attacks on liberal democracy are very dangerous, for they are likely to benefit only the right who are often suspicious of the idea of popular government. Rather the traditional broad left strategy of seeking to extend the nature of liberal democracy (e.g. to include provision of a Human Rights Bill or the legal requirement for one vote one value in the Australian Constitution) is far more sensible. It is the extension from the political arena of these demands to the economic and social order that is the basis of a radical strategy. The originators of the 1901 Australian Constitution intentionally avoided the US Bill of Rights model: first, a bill like that could have been used to confront the prevailing White Australia Policy not including the Chinese and others and, next, it might also have created problems in the perspective of the poor handling of Australias aboriginal Peoples at State level. Now those circumstances have changed and so maybe it is time to appraise the bill of rights debate. References: Anderson, J., Stuart, A. and Rossen, I., 2015. Not all negative: Macro justice principles predict positive attitudes towards asylum seekers in Australia.Australian Journal of Psychology, p.n/a-n/a. Chalmers, M., 2015.Human Rights Watch 2015: The 5 Biggest Issues Facing Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb. 2015]., 2015.Australia under the spotlight in Human Rights Watch World Report 2015. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb. 2015]. Sano, H., Alfredsson, G. and Clapp, R., 2002.Human rights and good governance. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Skye, L., 2015. How Australian Aboriginal Tiddas (Sisters) Theologians Deal with the Threat of Genocide.Feminist Theology, 23(2), pp.128-142. Westerman, P., 2015. The Uneasy Marriage between Law and Equality.Laws, 4(1), pp.82-90. WORLD REPORT 2015, 2015.Asylum Seekers and Refugees. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Feb. 2015].

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